Monday, March 21, 2011

Chloe getting ready to leave

I'm finishing up classes so I can go to Europe in three weeks.  One of my classes is European History, so maybe I'll know something about Europe before I go.  Although I am looking forward to all of Europe, I'm most excited to see the art and the architecture.  I've learned about Renaissance artists and artworks, and am excited to see them in person.

Ani's excited to go!

I'm excited to go to Europe!  My favorite part will probably be the cruise because I've never been on a cruise ship before and it's time for me to have luxury.  My second most exciting thing to see is the Eiffel Tower.  My third favorite is the London Eye.  Through the entire trip, I'll be on airplanes for more than 50 hours!  I'll get cramped.

We're going to a wonderful little island in Greece.  I can't wait to tan for four days! 

We still have to do some things to get ready but we'll be leaving in three weeks!

Anneke (: