Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Martes en Espanã (Tuesday in Spain)

Anneke and Chloe in front of Gaudi House at Parc Guel

This morning we woke up at 5:00 a.m. when the ship docked in Barcelona.  We stretched out our breakfast until our number was called to get off the ship. 

After we left the ship, we got a taxi cab that took us to our apartment.  The lady who we were supposed to meet, a doctor who had been on a 24-hour shift, wasn’t there yet.  We waited in a café next door for 90 minutes.  We finally found her and she showed us her apartment (she stayed with her brother when she rented out her apartment). 

After a little rest, we decided to check out Gaudi’s houses in Parc Guell.  Anneke thought it was interesting and beautiful; but, because her ankle was hurting her from all the walking, we had to cut it short and go home.  Chloe thought that the buildings came straight out of a fairy tale and she was reluctant to leave.

When we returned, we Skyped Mom and Dad and then rested for awhile before going out to an outdoor café for dinner. 

Anneke thinks that Barcelona is a beautiful and and clean city.  She especially likes our balcony.  Chloe loved the fact that Spanish artists and architects were so willing to try new and beautiful art styles.  She, too, loved Barcelona.

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